Growth mindset in math: How to help your students thrive
Having a growth mindset in math is essential for students to flourish in this subject. Here we explore research about this mindset to promote it in your class.
Having a growth mindset in math is essential for students to flourish in this subject. Here we explore research about this mindset to promote it in your class.
What is the testing effect? Learn it here and discover the 10 benefits of testing + tips to integrate tests into your class.
Instructional digital tools will upgrade your teaching. Learn how to integrate technology into the math classroom and get some inspiration for your lessons.
If you teach math, you might have seen your students suffering from math anxiety. Learn more about this problem and how to handle it in your class.
Move from individual to collaborative math learning online and offline, and help your students grow academically and socially.
In every math classroom, you will find students seeking both instant and delayed gratification. Learn how to support both of these types.
Flipped Math Classrooms is the closest and the most realistic thing you can get to one-on-one private tutoring in a school or university setting.
Learn to create online math resources. We talk about the process of writing educational material such as theory pages and exercises.
As institution open back up, the question now becomes what we liked about online learning and what we missed about in-person instruction.